Now that I'm done w/ my yearly hell of bookkeeping catchup and compiling tax totals..I'm determined to stay focused and not get lazy..

Sure I said the same thing last year and the year before..but I think I've tortured myself enough to mean it this time. This year wasn't really fair though, with Cameron getting so ill it really left me devastated and nothing else really mattered other then taking care of him and trying to find out what could heal him.
And well we did spend a LOT of time puzzling!

Here are some finished products!

This one was donated to Cameron by Maui's woman's Harley Davidson club. Dallas, the president answer a craigs list request for cheap puzzles I could purchase to keep my sick kiddo busy. The guys loved it but it was a freaking nightmare! It was so hard! I've done hard puzzles but this one took us a couple of months. We had to take a break after cuz we were so fried. We've only done a couple tiny ones since like the done in 1/2 hour kind like the froggy below.