Are you jewelry lovers watching this show? I'm so excited about's so much fun! I get so jealous that every time my husband gets into something be it sports, guns, knives, ATV's...hunting..etc..there is always a million shows on about it all day long it seems. I know we've had some craft shows in the past..but seems they aren't on least not here on Maui.
Project Accessory is high quality it's sister show Project Runway. Love that one too.
I love this necklace by Christina Caruso

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My other favorite was Nina Cortes shoes on episode 2...super cute and very boho..

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I love how this show challenges their creative abilities and helps you to see outside of the box. Especially the first episode where they had to get their supplies from two storage units of junk..and they only had 15 min to grab things. I could watch a show based just on that every week! Here's to hoping this sets off more ideas for crafty shows to watch!
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