I thought that today I would share this super cool new social bookmarking place I found called Fling it Girl..only it's more of a bookmarking spot for the online social shopping genre. Kind of like a cross between Kirtsy (<--formerly known as 'skirt'> and Stylehive.
Kary from Fling it Girl left me a message on my poor neglected Stylehive account (click there if you want to follow me on stylehive) inviting me to try it out and suggested I promote my jewelry there. I'm so glad I decided to check my messages at Stylehive that day!
Fling it Girl is super quick and easy to use and looks like great place to check out other products. I've already found this awesome mens diaper bag called the diaper dude. I know my friend who just had a baby is totally going to want this..she was just talking about finding something her husband would carry on his days watching the new kiddo in thier life. He's totally into the Harley Davidson colors even painted his Bronco in them..so with the orange stitching on the charcoal fabric..I think it's a winner!
I really like the simplicity of Fling it Girl. While Stylehive is a totally awesome place..it's a bit overwhelming for me with its major high fashion fun to look at but unatainable goods. With Fling it Girl I was able to get right in there and have some fun within minutes as well as find some items I'm actually interested in. And I like that it's focusing on shopping so I'm not weeding through news articles like on other bookmarking sites. It has different shopping catagories too so you can find ideas on specific things you are looking for. The catagories are fashion, beauty, eco, lifestyle, tech, home, active, offbeat and guy stuff.
I mosied (mosyed..how do you spell past tense of mosy? is mosy a real word?) on over to Fling it Girl today and saw that one of my posted bookmarks was on the front page today so it made a top fling...cool! I had to take a screenshot of course :)

here is the 411 on Fling it Girl taken from the 'how it works' link:
411: Fling it Girl works likes this, you go to your favorite websites and pick a product, store or designer you like, click 'submit yours' and insert the URL address or for an easier way place our Fling it Girl Bookmarklet in your browser's tool bar so you can Fling as you check out sites. Write a few sentences about your selection, upload a picture and submit it for the rest of the community to see. So whether you pick a cool product you come across or if you have a tie to a product you would like to promote, this site will give your Fling Worthy finds exposure. It will also provide useful feedback through the voting system and comments. We will ultimately see what the community believes to be the best on the web.
To make it even more fun..they also have giveaways.
It's only a month old and looks like it's catching on already with 11 pages of 'flings'. So go on over and check it out if you are interested in promoting your own special product or if you want some help with gift ideas. Like these cool recycled wine bottle platters only 15 bucks!

And if you want to check out my 'flings' so far please do..and vote for them as well :) (once there just click the little 'fling it' button to the left of the bookmarks)
Fling One
Fling Two
Fling Three
Mahalo! :D
Thank you for taking the time to use our site and write this awesome post. It really means a lot to us.
Gerhard Rivera
aka Mr. FlingItGirl
Wow! Mr. FlingitGirl..I like that lol! Nice to meet you! and I'm glad you got to see my post!
I like that bag. It's something I think even my Hubby would actually carry around for me!
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